Development of Pursuer-Distancer Movement Scale - Short Form (PDMS-SF)
David R. Chabot, Heining Cham

The Pursuer-Distancer Movement Scale (PDMS) (Chabot, 1996) is a reliable and valid 36-item self-report measure of the interpersonal process between individuals in a committed relationship. Chabot and Liu (2015) employed principal component analysis to identify the components of the PDMS. Their results supported the 18- item pursuer subscale with five components and the 18-item distancer subscale with six components. The current study employed exploratory factor analysis on the PDMS items from 206 young adults in a serious relationship for at least one year. The study had two goals: to refine the dimensions of the pursuer and distancer subscales and to develop a short form of the measure. Results yielded the Pursuer-Distancer Movement Scale - Short Form (PDMS-SF). The pursuer subscale of the PDMS-SF had eight items reflecting two factors (communicationconnectedness and change-flexibility). The distancer subscale of the PDMS-SF had nine items reflecting two factors (autonomous-connectedness and methodical-constancy). Results are discussed in the context of pursuerdistancer clinical literature and demand-withdraw research literature.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jpbs.v4n2a8