Exercise Addiction and Alexithymia
Manfredi P., Gambarini A.

Before presenting this investigation on exercise addiction and alexithymia, the topic of addiction is introduced by recalling a few terminological distinctions and some questions on aetiology. The investigation is focused on the relationship between alexithymia and other forms of addiction and between sporting activity and alexithymia. The sample of research consider 137 subjects attending various gyms in the city. The hypothesis are the following: 1 Existence of a correlation between alexithymia and exercise addiction. 2 Propensity of alexithymics and addicteds subjects for individual sports and repetitive exercises. 3: Motivations to practice sport not articulated and without affective quality. The results has confirmed the hypothesis.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jpbs.v3n1a7