The Impact of Post College Training, Supervision and Professional Support on School Counseling in Public Secondary Schools in Kakamega County, Kenya
Daniel M Mmbwanga, Prof. Haniel Nyaga Gatumu, Prof. Gathogo Mukuria

Guidance and counselling services prepare individuals for ownership of their resolutions in life, develop their capacity to grasp and handle the outcomes of their choices. The capacity to deliver such reasoned decisions must be developed by the assistance of an expert, the school counsellor. However, evidence indicates that inadequate training and preparation make these crucial personnel ill-prepared for the tasks ahead. This study investigatedthe impact of post college training, supervision and professional support on school counseling in public secondary schools in Kakamega county, Kenya. The research adopted a descriptive survey design. Stratified sampling, proportionate sampling, purposive sampling and random sampling techniques were employed in this investigation. The study population comprised of students, counsellors and principals. Questionnaires, interviews and document analysis were used. The data was analysed using the Statistical Package for Social Science version 23 and presented in form of frequency tables, graphs, pie charts and measures of central tendency. The findings of this study had both theoretical and practical implications for the educational teacher programs in Kenya. Theoretically, the study contributed to the advancement of knowledge about competencies required of school counsellors. Practically, the findings gave insight into the inadequacies in the training of school counsellors.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jpbs.v10n1a3