Anticipatory Traumatic Reaction as a Framework for Understanding the Response of Children and Adolescents to the Russia-Ukraine Military Conflict
Ricardo Phipps, Ph.D.

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Clinical Disorders (DSM 5.0) depicts trauma related disorders narrowly as resulting from direct exposure to traumatic experiences. Given the pervasive access to news available in society, individuals are often aware of the possibility for traumatic exposure before it occurs. High utilization rates of social media for news consumptionmakes children and adolescents especially vulnerable to psychological outcomes that mimic responses to trauma. In this position paper, I discuss Anticipatory Trauma Reaction as a frame for understanding how children and adolescents may respond to approaching danger and outline some recommended interventions for helping professionals, with particular focus on the exposure of Ukrainian children and adolescents to new stories about the build-up of Russian military forces along Ukrainian borders before explicit invasion began.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jpbs.v10n1a2